Thong Tran

Today was a beautiful weather day driving through Lancaster Amish communities

Got a chance to make a 45 minutes trip to Lancaster Amish communities

Thong Tran

Showing off my latest credit score :P

Thong Tran

Quicken Loans Rocket Mortgage “is your mortgage rate still over 3%?”

Got a lot of call from Quicken Loans each day, probably offering lower interest in refinancing.

On Thursday, August 6, 2020, 02:58:03 PM EDT, Quicken Loans <> wrote:
We have some surprising info for you. View Online
Rocket Mortgage by Quicken Loans

You can secure your financial future by refinancing with today’s low rates. If your current rate is above 3%, you could be saving big right now.

Have you thought about a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage? Because 15-year rates are so low – 1.99% (2.357% APR)1 – you could reduce your term without drastically increasing your current payment, saving you thousands in interest and cutting years off your mortgage.

In this example, we show how a client with a 30-year mortgage financed a few years ago can save thousands when they refinance to a 15-year mortgage with today’s rates.

30-Year Starting January 2018

3.50% Total Interest Paid

Loan Amount $250,000.00

Total Payment $404,140.22

15-Year Starting August 2020

1.99% Total Interest Paid

Loan Amount $240,000.00

Total Payment $277,797.00


In this example, the client could save $116,343.34 in interest and pay off their loan 13 years sooner.

When you’re ready to start saving, give us a call at (833) 380-5558.

Get Started

Highest in Customer Satisfaction in the U.S. – J.D. Power | 10 Consecutive Years – Primary Mortgage Origination – 2010-2019 | 7 Consecutive Years – Mortgage Servicing – 2014-2020

1The payment on a $240,000 15-year fixed-rate loan at 1.99% and 70% loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is $1,543.32 for the cost of 2.5 points due at closing. One point is equal to 1% of your loan amount. The annual percentage rate (APR) is 2.357%. One point is equal to 1% of your loan amount. Payment does not include taxes and insurance premiums. The actual payment amount will be greater. Rates shown valid on publication date of August 05, 2020. Some state and county maximum loan amount restrictions may apply.

For J.D. Power 2020 award information, visit

To no longer receive emails from Quicken Loans, specify your preferences or unsubscribe. For the best client services, we record and monitor your communications (e.g., phone, email, chat, our website) with us.

Quicken Loans, LLC; NMLS #3030; . Equal Housing Lender. Licensed in 50 states. AR, TX: 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226-1906, (888) 474-0404; AZ: 1 N. Central Ave., Ste. 2000, Phoenix, AZ 85004, Mortgage Banker License #BK-0902939; CA: Licensed by Dept. of Business Oversight, under the CA Residential Mortgage Lending Act and Finance Lenders Law; CO: Regulated by the Division of Real Estate; GA: Residential Mortgage Licensee #11704; IL: Residential Mortgage Licensee #4127 – Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation; KS: Licensed Mortgage Company MC.0025309; MA: Mortgage Lender License #ML 3030; ME: Supervised Lender License; MN: Not an offer for a rate lock agreement; MS: Licensed by the MS Dept. of Banking and Consumer Finance; NH: Licensed by the NH Banking Dept., #6743MB; NV: License #626; NJ: New Jersey – Quicken Loans, LLC, 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226, (888) 474-0404, Licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance.; NY: Licensed Mortgage Banker – NYS Banking Dept.; OH: MB 850076; OR: License #ML-1387; PA: Licensed by the Dept. of Banking – License #21430; RI: Licensed Lender; WA: Consumer Loan Company License CL-3030. Conditions may apply.

Quicken Loans 1050 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI, 48226-1906, United States

Email ID: 1531\Adhoc_20200805_Servicing_Rate_Compare

Thong Tran

Notice of Class Action Settlement re Google Plus – Your Rights May Be Affected

Di you get this email? “Notice of Class Action Settlement re Google Plus – Your Rights May Be Affected”

That read the following. And direct to this site:

updated 8/4/2020 look like it’s legit, the site is up and ready for claiming.

The site above doesn’t exist as of now. But, is this email real? According to reddit off course reddit, people said it might be phishing scam email with fake link to click, some what like a scare tactics or money in your pocket tactics:

On Tuesday, August 4, 2020, 12:06:42 AM EDT, <> wrote:

Notice of Class Action Settlement re Google Plus – Your Rights May Be Affected
You are not being sued. This notice affects your rights. Please read it carefully.

On June 10, 2020, the Honorable Edward J. Davila of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, granted preliminary approval of this class action Settlement and directed the litigants to provide this notice about the Settlement. You have received this notice because Google’s records indicate that you may be a Settlement Class Member, and you may be eligible to receive a payment from the Settlement. Please visit for more information. The Final Approval Hearing on the adequacy, reasonableness, and fairness of the Settlement will be held at 9:00 am on November 19, 2020 in San Jose Courthouse, Courtroom 4, 5th Floor located at 280 South 1st Street, San Jose, CA 95113. You are not required to attend the Final Approval Hearing, but you are welcome to do so at your own expense.

Summary of Litigation
Google operated the Google+ social media platform for consumers from June 2011 to April 2019. In 2018, Google announced that the Google+ platform had experienced software bugs between 2015 and 2018, which allowed app developers to access certain Google+ profile field information in an unintended manner. Plaintiffs Matthew Matic, Zak Harris, Charles Olson, and Eileen M. Pinkowski thereafter filed this lawsuit asserting various legal claims on behalf of a putative class of Google+ users who were allegedly harmed by the software bugs (“Class”). Google denies Plaintiffs’ allegations, denies any wrongdoing and any liability whatsoever, and believes that no Class Members, including the Plaintiffs, have sustained any damages or injuries due to the software bugs.

Summary of Settlement Terms
Settlement Fund: Under the Settlement, Google will pay $7.5 million which will be used to fund: (1) Class Member Settlement payments; (2) attorneys’ fees not to exceed 25% of the Settlement Fund and costs and expenses not to exceed $200,000.00; (3) four service awards to the Class Representatives in an amount not to exceed $1,500 each for their services on behalf of the Settlement Class and for a general release of all claims they may have against Google; (4) administration fees and costs; and, if necessary, (5) cy pres distribution of any residual funds. No portion of the Settlement Fund can be returned to Google.

Amount of Payments: Class Members who submit a Valid Claim may receive a pro rata share of the Net Settlement Fund up to a cash payment of $12.00 depending on the number of claimants. Each Class Member can submit only one claim. Any funds remaining in the Net Settlement Fund after distribution(s) to Class Members will be distributed to Cy Pres Recipients that have been selected by a neutral third party and approved by the Court.

Method of Payment: The payments above for Class Members who submit a Valid Claim will be made by Electronic Payment (Paypal or Digital Check).

Your Options Under the Settlement
Option 1 – Submit a Claim Form to Be Eligible for a Cash Payment
If you submit a Valid Claim by October 8, 2020, you may receive a payment. You will also give up your rights to sue Google and/or any other released entities regarding the legal claims in this case.

Option 2 – Opt Out of the Settlement
This is the only option that allows you to sue Google and/or other released parties on your own regarding the legal claims in this case. You will not receive a payment from the Settlement. The deadline for excluding yourself is October 8, 2020.

Option 3 – File an Objection with the Court
Write to the Settlement Administrator about why you do not like the Settlement. The deadline for objecting is October 8, 2020. These Objections will be shared with the Court. If you object to the Settlement, you will be bound by the Settlement’s terms and will not be allowed to exclude yourself from the Settlement; you will lose the right to sue Google and/or any other released entities regarding the legal claims in this case.

Option 4 – Do Nothing
If you do nothing, you will not receive any payment. You will be bound by the Settlement’s terms and will lose the right to sue Google and/or any other released entities regarding the legal claims in this case.

Additional Information
How do I know if I am part of the Settlement Class?
The Settlement Class is defined as: “all persons within the United States who (a) had a consumer Google+ account for any period of time between January 1, 2015 and April 2, 2019, and (2) had their non-public Profile Information exposed as a result of the software bugs Google announced on October 8, 2018 and December 10, 2018. Excluded from the Settlement Class are (a) Google and its officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, and Google Affiliates; (b) all judges and their staffs assigned to this case and any members of their immediate families; (c) the Parties’ counsel in this litigation; and (d) any Excluded Class Member.”

What are the terms of the Settlement?
Under the Settlement, Google has agreed to create a Settlement Fund of $7,500,000.

This Settlement Fund will provide compensation to Settlement Class Members, pay for notice and administration costs, provide for any approved Service Awards to the Class Representatives who filed the case, and compensate the attorneys for any approved fee, cost, and expense awards. If the Settlement is finally approved, Settlement Class Members will be prevented from bringing any further claims against Google for any conduct relating to the software bugs affecting Google+ profile fields.

How will the Settlement Fund be distributed?
The lawyers for the Settlement Class (“Class Counsel”) will ask the Court to approve the following payments from the Settlement Fund:

The costs of providing notice and administration of the Settlement;
Service Awards to each of the Class Representatives, not to exceed $1,500 each, as compensation for their active participation in the case on behalf of the Settlement Class;
Class Counsel’s compensation for the time and effort incurred litigating the case, which will not exceed 25% of the Settlement Fund, and costs and expenses they incurred not to exceed $200,000.00;
Payments to Settlement Class Members who file timely and Valid Claim Forms according to the Plan of Allocation outlined below; and
Any residual funds remaining after payments to Settlement Class Members will be distributed to Approved Cy Pres Recipients as approved and directed by the Court.
More information regarding the Settlement, including the Settlement Agreement, can be found at the Settlement Website,

How can I get a Settlement Payment?
If you are a Settlement Class Member and would like to receive a Settlement Payment, you must submit a Claim Form no later than October 8, 2020.

You may complete the Claim Form online at, or you may mail your Claim Form to the following address:

Google Plus Data Litigation, 1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210, Philadelphia, PA, 19103

If you do not file a Claim Form, you will not receive a payment. Note that for each Valid Claim, the payment method will be the Electronic Payment method specified on the Claimant’s Claim Form.

How much will I receive from the Settlement?
The Plan of Allocation provides for Settlement Payments to Claimants as follows: The Net Settlement Fund shall be allocated to Claimants on a pro rata basis up to an initial maximum distribution of US$5.00 per Claimant. If there are insufficient funds to pay claimants $5.00 based on the number of claimants, the payment to each claimant will be reduced pro ratably. If sufficient funds remain after calculation of the aggregate initial maximum distribution of US$5.00 per Claimant, the allocation shall be recalculated on a pro rata basis up to a maximum distribution of up to US$12.00 per Claimant. For clarity, the maximum Settlement Payment to be made to any single Claimant shall not exceed US$12.00.

How do I get out of the Settlement?
If you do not want to be part of the Settlement, you must submit an Opt-Out Form no later than October 8, 2020. You may obtain the Opt-Out Form at Your completed Opt-Out Form may be submitted via e-mail to, or via postal mail to the following address: Google Plus Data Litigation, Attn: Opt-Out Requests, P.O. Box 58220, Philadelphia, PA, 19102. If you opt-out of the Settlement, you will not be bound by the Settlement Agreement, you will not receive a Settlement Payment, and you will not be allowed to object to the Settlement.

Do I have a lawyer in this case?
Yes. The Court has appointed Class Counsel to represent you and other Settlement Class Members. In this case, Class Counsel are John A. Yanchunis and Ryan J. McGee of the law firm Morgan & Morgan Complex Litigation Group; Clayeo C. Arnold and Joshua H. Watson of the law firm Clayeo C. Arnold Professional Law Corporation; and Franklin D. Azar and Margeaux R. Azar of the law firm Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by another lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense.

How will the lawyers be paid?
The attorneys representing the Settlement Class have not yet received any payment for their legal services or any reimbursement of the costs or out-of-pocket expenses they have incurred. Class Counsel plans to ask the Court to award attorneys’ fees from the Settlement Fund not to exceed $1,875,000 which is 25% of the Settlement Fund, and reimbursement of costs and expenses in the approximate amount of $200,000.

How do I object to the Settlement?
If you are a Settlement Class Member and do not opt out of the Settlement Class, you may object to any aspect of the Settlement. This includes commenting on the applications for Class Representative Service Awards or the award of attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses.

Your completed Objection must be submitted no later than October 8, 2020 online at, or via postal mail to the following address:

Google Plus Data Litigation, Attn: Settlement Objections, P.O. Box 58220, Philadelphia, PA, 19102.

Any Objection must be in writing and must:

Clearly identify the case name and number, In re Google Plus Profile Litigation, Case No. 5:18-cv-06164-EJD;
Include the full name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person objecting;
Include the full name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Objector’s counsel (if the Objector is represented by counsel);
State whether the objection applies only to the objector, to a specific subset of the Class, or to the entire Class, and also state with specificity the grounds for the Objection; and
Be verified by an accompanying declaration submitted under penalty of perjury or a sworn affidavit.
Settlement Class Members who fail to submit timely written Objections in the manner specified above will waive their right to object to any aspect of the Settlement.

Do I need to attend the Final Fairness Hearing?
No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. However, any Settlement Class Member who timely submits an Objection has the option to appear and request to be heard at the Final Fairness Hearing, either in person or through their counsel. If you choose to make an Objection through an attorney or have an attorney appear at the Final Fairness Hearing on your behalf, you will be solely responsible for paying that attorney’s fees.

How can I get more information?
This Notice summarizes the Settlement. It does not describe all of its details. For the precise terms and conditions of the Settlement, please see the Settlement Agreement and related documents. Additional information about the Settlement, including a copy of the Settlement Agreement, may be obtained by:

Visiting the Settlement Website at;
Contacting the Settlement Administrator toll-free by phone at 1-833-509-1101 or by email at;
Accessing the Court docket in this case through the Court’s Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system at; or
Visiting the office of the Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, 280 South 1st Street, 2nd Floor, San Jose, CA 95113, between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Court holidays.
Please do not telephone the Court or the Court Clerk’s Office to inquire about the Settlement.

Thong Tran

How to shut down the quadcopter or drone when it’s crashing?

Well I got myself a drone (quadcopter) been learning on how to fly it, and recently I got hurt by it, bloody face, finger and elbow because those propeller from the drone or quadcopter is super powerful like a weed wacker. I did not read the direction on how to use just watched some youtube videos. So how to stop the propeller from spinning during a crash?

I got a few answer for this particular model.

You received 5 answers to your question:
“How do I shut off the power to the propeller when it’s crashing to a tree? It spins like a weed wacker I’m afraid to touch it might chop off my finger”

Answers to your question
“If you shut it completely down while flying you are going to crash anyway so you shouldn’t shut it down. But anyway, you can hit the lock on the remote to shut the drone propellers off.”
“Threw a towel on it than pull out the battery and avoid flying by the trees go higher with the drone to avoided the issues with crashing it. I’ve hadn’t that issue yet.”
“Pull down both control sticks”
Stanley M. Smith
“Push power button on remote. Don’t do in flight. If the drone is not In flight pressing the power on the remote will kill engines.”
Henry House
“If it’s crashing why would you touch it let it crash.push the land button or hold the lock button for 3 seconds it will stop”
Cathy W.

Thong Tran

First time flying a drone (Quadcopter) injuries

I should have test fly this drone in open space like school yard or somewhere open big space. First time flying do not fly indoor or small area, however once you know how to fly or got the hang of it then it’s ok, but for beginner don’t do it, take it easy, learn left right up down forward backward and landing …

Thong Tran

Is it worth it $121k worth of Bitcoin for Twitter insider?

Twitter hackers who targeted Elon Musk and others received $121,000 in bitcoin, analysis shows

It was an apparent insider hack. In other word, the hacker(s) have some insider people work for Twitter let them in. Basically someone that work for twitter is affiliated with the hacker(s), in other word, the hacker work at twitter?

This is the reason why I do not trust anyone to work for me when it come to something like this, even with check and balance in place, the only person I can trust is ….. god! and myself 🙂 😛

Thong Tran

Finished filing my 2019 tax ontime 7/15

Yep finally filed it, States, Federal and off course local. New this year, question asked by IRS did you acquire or sold any cryptocurrencies? You better be honest. Yes I did, and I answer yes, did you? it will come back and haunt you if you lied!

Thong Tran

Continue my foundation project under deck shed

using cheap harbor freight cement mixer to finish the foundation below the deck
Thong Tran

Look like I have the herpes cold sore virus

maybe this will help me treat the herpes cold sore virus