Thong Tran

How to shut down the quadcopter or drone when it’s crashing?

Well I got myself a drone (quadcopter) been learning on how to fly it, and recently I got hurt by it, bloody face, finger and elbow because those propeller from the drone or quadcopter is super powerful like a weed wacker. I did not read the direction on how to use just watched some youtube videos. So how to stop the propeller from spinning during a crash?

I got a few answer for this particular model.

You received 5 answers to your question:
“How do I shut off the power to the propeller when it’s crashing to a tree? It spins like a weed wacker I’m afraid to touch it might chop off my finger” read more

DIY Gardening

Moneywort Rau Dang as aquarium plants?

Well I just found out that the plants or veggies that I used to eat, “Rua Dang” in Vietnamese, also known as “Moneywort” in English can be use as aquarium plants. Did not know this, so I’m going to give it a try and see what happen.

Thong Tran

First time flying a drone (Quadcopter) injuries

I should have test fly this drone in open space like school yard or somewhere open big space. First time flying do not fly indoor or small area, however once you know how to fly or got the hang of it then it’s ok, but for beginner don’t do it, take it easy, learn left right up down forward backward and landing …


Finally completely dismantled the playground swing and slide

DIY Gardening Home

Indoor plants decorations can Monstera survive with snake plants and Pothos?


Got the under deck shed 1st wall up :)


How to fix a bend rubber ABS materials type cart tire wheel?

Easy with hot gun and a support bolt or something to straighten it back


New fish tank for betta fish

These two betta fish now have a new home 🙂


Week end yard home projects Patio wash and under deck shed


Paypal scammers hackers scare tactics to hack your account

Do not fall for this type of email folks. Do not click on any link on the email. If you worries then go directly to or call or use your paypal app on your phone to check.

Below you will see the email address is not, and the name pretend to be [email protected] but look at the paypal letter l = I

It’s a scare tactics hacking.

On Monday, July 20, 2020, 03:11:00 AM EDT, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:

View this email in your browser read more