Technical Thong Tran

Did you know that there is usps stamps for non machinable hand cancel only?

What is this? – well when you send us postal mail, like those regular envelopes mail that you received and sent? well all of them goes into a machine that scan and defaced the stamp prevent re-use. Well the machine is very rough, it will crush anything in the envelope flat. Well sending the a pencil or something like that in the envelope most likely will get crushed by the sorting machine.

So there is a special stamps call “non-machinable”, meaning with this stamp, it would required a human to hand sort this mail, it will not go through a machine and thus will keep the content inside in good shape like a pen pencil etc…


Replaced the brake caliper and did self bleed?

Yes I did the brake fluid self bleed using gravity 🙂 there were lots of small bubbles but seems to be ok, no the big bubbles though, big bubbles would not be ok.


Vegetable collected around the house yard

Covid pandemic quarantine? no problem on foods 🙂


Hard Drive crashed or cannot boot Windows 10 fix?

A quick fix is to remove that hard drive and put it on another windows machine and let that windows machine auto scan and fix anything damage on that hard drive.

This happen when one of my computer crashed with windows 10, when trying to do a reboot (cold reboot) windows 10 will not boot up or take a long time and even so it will not work. Tried recovery mode, and even system restore, but the hard drive appears to have bad sectors or something.


Brake caliper pin screw stuck tried everything I can think of

I tied liquid wrench for 1 hour about 15 repeat then hit with an impact wrench no go. Then I tried heating it up with the torque and hit it with impact wrench, still no go. I took a look at it closer, look like not just the screw thread got siege but the pin also appear to have been stuck as well. The cause might have been because overheating causing it to melt and self soldered. In the head I purchase a new complete set of caliper for $60 on ebay, who cares it’s china made, just have to review test it properly before installing and test it again 🙂 and it will not last long so keep that in mind.

Family Gardening

Potatoes growing simply bury them and let nature take care.

Not even much sunlight they’re thriving 🙂 no I didn’t grow this, my brother did.


Protected: We visited the beach today :)

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Time to bring the plants indoor as winter is approaching


We’ve decided to release the wild bunnies rabbits

After over a month of taking care of them, and they grew so fast. Just too much work, I had to cut fresh grass twice a day, change the newspaper 2-3 times a day, and they don’t even let me pet them 🙂 So there you are bye bye little bunnies soon to be rabbits 🙂 They’re cotton tail I believe.


I ran out of mung beans so I use Walmart black beans for bean sprout

Here is the result 🙂 Walmart black beans as bean sprout. The result show 50% sprout, but long I have to cut the head beans because it’s big, however the taste is as good or better than mung beans. Just that the machine I use withe the cycling over and over again making it reddish.