Thong Tran

Patio foundation redo is done

Thong Tran

I just have to laugh at this video

Can you tell what’s real and what’s not
not right away but you will sooner or later
Thong Tran

Patio redo foundation and retaining wall status :)

Below latest images snapshot from backyard security camera from latest to oldest.


Furnace air filter for your house comparison between new and used?

Clearly we really need to change air filter inside our house, for homes that have indoor or central air heating and cooling.

Thong Tran

July 10th spending time with TurboTax my best friend for the next 5 days :P

Tax is due on July 15th 2020, no more delay, well I heard there are delay up to 5 months for us to get refund, well I’m not worrying because I do not have any refund ever 😛 🙂

Do you know that with dnspy.exe can crack any software? well I don’t know about that, didn’t work for turbotax 😛


My new web server $10 from eBay raspberry pi

$10 web server raspberry pi
Thong Tran

The current status of redoing the patio

cinder block as retaining wall
Thong Tran

This is the water that came from the municipal water company

No I did not just use the restroom this is the actual water that came from the municipal water company

this is the color of the toilet water came from the coatesville Pennsylvania valley township municipal water company
looking at it on a small cup doesn’t look that bad but if you were to put it in a large bowl you would see the color kind of orange or brown

Bitcore btx halving now earning reduce by half

if you are mining or Master node you would probably see reduced earning by half due to having.

Thong Tran

Harbor freight 42 inch bolt cutters broke

Am I too strong or is this harbor freight bocado is cheap?

cutting 1\2 inch rebar and it broke am I too strong or is this cheap or I don’t know how to use it properly